Bollywood Actress Shilpa shetty shares her fitness secrets with yoga

    Bollywood Actress Shilpa shetty shares her fitness secrets with yoga
    Bollywood Actress Shilpa shetty shares her fitness secrets with yoga
    Health Tips from Shilpa Shetty - New Yoga Pics. Shilpa shares her fitness secrets!.

    Shilpa Shetty, the actress who has always been termed ‘the best bod in Bollywood’, has now released a special edition of a DVD called ‘Shilpa’s Yoga’ targeted at the European market.

    Here, she reveals her fitness secrets to create a lean and toned body while retaining all the feminine curves

    With careful and precise instructions, the DVD demonstrates specific sequences that enhance concentration, agility and flexibility. The workout aims not only to strengthen and tone, but also to heal.

    ‘Shilpa’s Yoga’ is designed to help improve posture through a series of calming poses which focus on slow movement and breathing control.
    Bollywood Actress Shilpa shetty shares her fitness secrets with yoga
    Bollywood Actress Shilpa shetty shares her fitness secrets with yoga
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