According to "Variety" "Aurora Productions" has teamed up with Platinum Studios to develop a feature film of Platinum's graphic novel "Nightfall". Penned by Scott O. Brown and illustrated by Ferran Xalabarder, this 2007 novel centres on a man who is sent to prison only to discover it is controlled by vampires. The producers want to make a visually very exciting movie, which won't be difficult since according to first gossips the director of the movie will be Uros Stojanovic, young Serbian director the author of visually sensational epic tale "Tears for Sale" (aka "Charleston and Vendetta") which was the biggest Serbian blockbuster in 2008. You can check out the trailer for Uros' blockbuster right here:
    Source URL: https://imagesmillionsofimages.blogspot.com/2009/11/uros-stojanovic-directs.html
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