"The Cape" is one of the new shows premiering in the Fall 2010 season. The show stars David Lyons ("ER") as Vince Faraday, an honest cop on a corrupt police force, who finds himself framed for a series of murders and presumed dead. He is forced into hiding, leaving behind his wife and son. Fueled by a desire to reunite with his family and to battle the criminal forces that have overtaken Palm City, Faraday becomes "The Cape" his son's favorite comic book superhero, and takes the law into his own hands. James Frain ("The Tudors") appears as billionaire Peter Fleming, The Cape's nemesis, who moonlights as the twisted killer called Chess. Keith David ("Death at a Funeral") plays Max Malini, the ringleader of a circus gang of bank robbers who mentors Vince Faraday and trains him to be The Cape. Summer Glau ("Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", "Firefly") will play an investigative blogger who wages war on crime and corruption in Palm City.Source URL: https://imagesmillionsofimages.blogspot.com/2010/05/cape-brings-david-lyons-as-nbc-new.html
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