Few weeks ago HOLLYWOOD SPY gave you the names of young actors who got into the final circle of potential lead stars in the new "Spider Man" reboot, but now, according to "Bleeding Cool" young British actor Jamie Bell has become the studio's final choice. The studio hasn't yet confirmed the news, but talented Jamie seems to be a great choice as a gifted and profound drama actor who could bring something new to super hero movies. The other contenders for the role were less known actors Alden Ehrenreich, Frank Dillane, Andrew Garfield and Josh Hutcherson.
It generally appears that Jamie Bell is getting more and more popular, and he could be one of the big stars in future years, since he already has roles in the upcoming epic "The Eagle of the Ninth", Spielberg's and Peter Jackson's future adventure "Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn" and the romantic adaptation of "Jane Eyre".Source URL: https://imagesmillionsofimages.blogspot.com/2010/06/jamie-bell-is-final-choice-for-new.html
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